Giambattista Tiepolo Biography and Artwork

Born in Venice in 1696, Giambattista Tiepolo became one of the most prominent painters of the 18th century with his elegant Rococo style. He is especially known for his luminous frescoes depicting ancient history, myths and sacred legends that often graced grand-scale baldachins or altarpieces. Studying under Gregorio Lazzarini since youth, he was inscribed in the Venetian painters guild at the young age of 21.

Having been part of a prosperous family workshop, Tiepolo gained popularity due to his exceptional talent in creating dazzling frescoes filled with lightness and poetry. He eventually transcended beyond Italy’s art scene, working also with commissions from abroad; he impressively exerted significant influence on Venetian School painting not only within Italy but also in countries such as Germany and Spain.

Tiepolo left behind an enduring legacy that influenced future generations after him. His mastery of frescoes was exemplified through works like The Triumph of Zeuxis (1753) found at Villa Valmarana in Vicenza or The Apotheosis of Saint Roch (1737-39)at Chiesa di San Roccoin Venice among others. As a legend today, truly wowed audiences during his lifetime just as it we will continue to captivate us long into the future.

All Giambattista Tiepolo Artwork on Artchive

Artwork Name Year Medium
Rinaldo and Armida in the Garden (DETAIL) c. 1752 Oil on Canvas
Seated River God, Nymph With An Oar, And Putto Pen And Ink And Wash Over Black Chalk
Tarquin And Lucretia c. 1750 Oil On Canvas
The Martyrdom of Saint Agatha c. 1755 Oil on Canvas
Woman with a Mandolin c. 1755-60 Oil on Canvas
Rinaldo and Armida in the Garden c. 1752 Oil on Canvas
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